Happy Birthday!

Wishing Anais Lameche a Happy 22nd Birthday!

News, questions, comments? Email melisaplaymania@aol.com


  1. Jacelynne said

    Happy birthday! :)

  2. Morgan said

    i wish we knew more about her,i understand she wants her privacy though and she deserves it

  3. Courtney said

    Ditto, Morgan! Happy birthday to her! In Sweden the major birthdays are 18 (of course ;)) and the ones that end in "0". I hope she has the time of her life and parties her a** off! She seems to love doing that since PLAY :P

  4. Anonymous said

    Double ditto Courtney & Morgan!! Ohmygosh! Anias is already 22?!?!?! THIS IS CRAZY!!! Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANAIS!!!!!! :D

  5. Ashley said

    Here's a video of "Heartache" with an orchestra (found by Courtney): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cq-WQ3xjdw.Can you please announce that Classique has a new URL? It's now http://janet-leon.net.

  6. Jacelynne said

    I know, it seems like just yesterday they were still singing with Faye…

  7. Anonymous said

    That Photo is just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful! She's gorgeous.

  8. Jacelynne said

    You think that after two days of being posted, this would have more comments…? =/

  9. Courtney said

    Well the few comments is what she gets when she said she "just wanted to be left alone" and that she wanted no post-PLAY pictures posted of her anymore… She asked for it, she got it. I very highly doubt she even checks here anyways.

  10. Jacelynne said

    =x ….

  11. Lisa said

    I also doubt that she still checks this stuff out. But it's okay. Still want to wish her a happy birthday.

  12. Anonymous said

    are they all still friends?

  13. Jacelynne said

    Yeah, do they even talk to each other anymore?

  14. Morgan said

    I don't think so. Anais and Chris Trousdale went out and then he went out with Anna. I don't think she would want to be around Anna after that happened. I'm not saying that she is angry at Anna. She was only 12 or 13 when she went out with Chris and Anna was about 18 or 19 when she went out with Chris. Alot of time had passed. It was'nt a huge deal but it was probably a little awkward. I honestly think the only people that still talk to each other ar Faye and Rosanna. Janet is busy with her record. Anais does not want to associate herself with Play. Anna is in the US and has evidently made new friends. They've all grown up and changed so naturally they have grown apart. Its a little sad but hey that's life.

  15. Anonymous said

    actually, i'm almost positive that she never dated chris trousdale. that was just a rumor. she had a boyfriend for some of the time she was in play, and it wasn't chris. i don't know about anna though. also, just because she doesn't want to associate herself with play doesn't mean she won't talk to the girls.

  16. Courtney said

    Anonymous -I know Rosanna and Fanny still keep in touch and hang out/party a lot, that is evident in many personal photos I've seen of them together. I've seen a couple with Rosanna and Anaïs together and one with Anna, Rosanna (and Chris) eating together at a restaurant. I have never seen any of the girls with Janet in any (personal) pictures post-PLAY (didn't expect to) and haven't seen any of the other girls with Anaïs besides Rosanna… Which makes sense because Anaïs lives in Göteborg (along with Janet) and the rest of the girls live in Stockholm. Anna now lives in NYC though.I should also say I've never seen Fanny with any of the other girls besides Rosanna post-PLAY. I think she was always kinda the private and quiet one compared to the other girls and may have somewhat lost touch with the others (besides Rosanna) after she left.And to Morgan:Chris has said that Anaïs is (used to be)like a sister to him and what guy would want to date a girl that reminds him of his sister? Haha. Plus both of them have totally denied the dating rumors numerous times way back when they were still relevant. And yes Chris and Anna dated. For around 3 years… They just broke up not too long ago. She took down all the pictures she had of them together. They haven't been seen together since. off her Facebook.And I think it is true that they all have moved on from PLAY and live different lives now and probably don't talk/hang out much (besides Fanny and Rosanna, of course)… They all are doing different things with all different friends. People change as they grow and probably grew apart. Sad but true.

  17. Courtney said

    Sorry, typo:She took down all the pictures she had of them together on her Facebook. They haven't been seen together since.*

  18. Jacelynne said

    Hopefully there'll be pictures from Anna's appearance with Sandy…whatever her last name is. (Sorry id that came off the wrong way. =P)

  19. Lisa said

    Yeah hopefully!!! Maybe Sandy will put some up on Facebook or her site(s).. I guess we'll see.

  20. Jacelynne said

    Indeed Lisa.Kind of wish I lived in New York now… >=T

  21. Courtney said

    …Anna may put some up on her Facebook. :) I hope so.

  22. Lisa said

    Oh yeah, true. :P

  23. Courtney said

    Haha. She does love to take photos and post them ;) That's a great thing for us fans, huh? :P Pictures, pictures, pictures! :D

  24. Lisa said

    Absolutely.. who would've thought that eventually we would be able to see pictures the girls (or any "celebrity" for that matter. Ex. celebs on Twitter now!) themselves took and put up for us fans to see. It's pretty cool! :)

  25. Anonymous said

    I know! I totally agree! Ok, I know I've asked this a lot, & some others, but when does Lalia get off vaca?!?! I'm just sooo tired of waitng…

  26. Courtney said

    Lisa said a few days ago that if/when she gets any news/confirmation about it she will post it ASAP :)I doubt Laila will answer the rumor though. She has been back from vacation for weeks and still no answer… I think it was just some rumor started by hopeful/devoted fans who wanted them back together and thought now would be a good time to start it since they probably are all done with school (those who went) and aren't doing much in their careers (minus Janet).

  27. Lisa said

    Yep, that's what I said! :PLaila was just recently in LA with Janet (I think?) so yeah, she must be back in Sweden now. It's not that I *haven't* heard from her at all, it's just that there is nothing to be posted about the rumor. So right now I just have to leave things as are. Laila is probably real busy with things going on with Janet, and also Swedish Idol!!But as soon as there is any news, on ANYTHING that is going on, it will be up.:)

  28. Anonymous said

    YAY! Thanks, Lisa! :]

  29. Courtney said

    P-P (and the message boards) are closing in a week! They just told us… :(

  30. Courtney said

    That is where I get most of my news and stuff on the girls :( (Sorry I just had to add that lol)

  31. Courtney said

    …And I post them here and tell Lisa about. Geez I should just delete all three comments and combine them haha!

  32. Lisa said

    Lol, that's alright.The boards are closing for good? That sucks!

  33. Courtney said

    Yeah, I know… I go there quite a few times a day, and like every other time I go there I was checking new topics and saw "Closing" and was like "Yeah, right, it's probably a poll or something… Nothing serious." and then I saw Erica's message and thought "OMG, are you serious?".. So yeah its closing… :( I was thinking we could all just go to Ashley's/Kayla's Janet message board, but a few people don't really care for Janet so I don't know who would really go for that… Its just so sudden and shocking (at least to me).

  34. Lisa said

    :( That board has been around forever. Is there a reason why Erica's decided to close? I mean I know she has children now but…

  35. Anonymous said

    does rosanna or anna or any of the other girls have Facebook or Twitter??

  36. Courtney said

    "We are sorry to say that as of Aug 30, 2009 we will be closing this site. It was a very hard decision to make as I have loved running this place and have many memories here and friends.With a new baby and moving I have no time for this place. Also we are having to cut back on costs and paying for here is one cut.I hope you all are able to find a place to stay together and enjoy.Thank you all for making this place amazing. I love you all.Sorry, Erica"BUT…. I think we are going to just create a new board with all the same categories and go there after its closed… :)The problem is the people who come on there every 2 weeks or so/are still on vacation etc. so won't see that we are moving since there is only a week left…. Is there any way to let them know? Could you, Christine, Ashley, Kayla and Nicole all put a big announcement up on your sites? We can't put up a "moved" sign since there will be no domain to put it up on… There has to be some way to let everyone know… Any ideas?

  37. Leann said

    anna does not have a twitter, she told us on facebook bacause someone was pretending to be her. the others i do't know

  38. Courtney said

    I don't think any of them have Twitter accounts. It's probably not very big in Sweden.About the Facebook accounts:Fanny, Anaïs, and Rosanna all have private accounts and they only add actual friends and not fans as friends. If you try to message them, they don't answer.Janet and Anna both have them. They are both public and they'll add anybody. Janet answers some select fans if you comment on her status. Anna, like the other girls, answers no one (expect for me, twice).

  39. Courtney said

    Please post the new Playful-Play message board link on one of your new updates:http://z6.invisionfree.com/playfulplay/index.phpYou need to re-register if you were registered on the old one.P-P is back in business!!! :D

  40. Anonymous said

    i dont know which is which theres a lot of accounts of them on facebook

  41. Courtney said

    Janet's: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=807350575Anna's: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=680405356(No point in giving you Fanny's, Rosanna's, and Anaïs' Facebook links since they won't add you or answer…)

  42. Anonymous said


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